Sunday, January 24, 2016

Toughts on the Joy Film (Film about Entrepreneurship)

Alert!!! Spoilers ahead, watch film first then come back to read my blog :)

In this film we see how the life of a young woman named Joy unfolds and how she deals against all odds to achieve what she always wanted "create products for everyone to see". 

When she was young she always made her own toys and inventions. She would show these to her mother, grandmother, and friends. They all had different opinions about what she was doing and what she should be doing. Her mother, due to her disappointment with her ex-husband decided to give up on life and just lay on the couch and watch tv. Her grandmother wanted her to grow as a strong woman and be industrious and get a husband and have a family. One of her friends told her that to make her fantasy paper world complete she needed a "prince". But to all these opinions, Joy had only one thing in mind. Joy just wanted to make things and give them to people so they could see them and use them. She consider it a special power to imagine her world without a "prince" just with her imagination and people to share her ideas with. 

Later on in the story we find out that as she grew up she did end up married and divorced with two children. As an adult she lost track of her industrious self. She ends up working at an airline front desk. But she continuously had dreams of how she should be getting back to building things or perish as a failed person. 

She decides to use her kid's crayons and papers to design a mop that would be re-washable and that your hands would not get dirty. She struggled first to convince her dad and his new girlfriend to invest money into her new product. When she finally did she had to find a way to sell her product. 

This part is the hardest thing to over come in my opinion. When no one believes in your product or gives you a chance to show them how useful it could be you get frustrated. As I have previously posted on my blog about our guest speaker Erik Hanberg, one of the most important things to do is find ways to ship your product or get it out there. From this film I learned another strategy that is available to us today. In the film, back then before the internet or before people had as much access to it as we do today, people had to go to a TV network to ask them if they would advertise they products. Today we have YouTube and Social Media where you can make a video of your product and post it on YouTube, Facebook and other places. I now understand how this may work and the benefits of it.  

To Read more about the Movie Vs. Real Story check the link

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Guest Speaker - Erick Hanberg

    Erick Hanberg came to speak with the TINST 475 class about his experience as an entrepreneur on Thursday, January 21, 2016 at UW Tacoma.  Erick's life experience was really interesting to me. After working for many non-profits, Erick landed a full time job as the director of the Grand Cinema in Tacoma. Through that experience he developed many of his entrepreneurial skills. He learned how to approach that point on which the business almost runs by itself or with minimal effort. This led him to believe in himself and decide to start his own business. Some of the projects he started were:

  •        Side X Side
  •        The Horatio
  •         Exit 133
  •         Suite 133
    He currently is working on Side X Side with his wife as well as selling books he wrote. He has always been inclined to writing in all kinds of forms and his interest in many subject make him a curious and well-rounded character. His graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in English and through this he developed a better skill writing for his audiences. Through writing books he learned and provides the wise advice that if you want to sell a product you must first practice to start and finish one. He says shipping is supper important. Along with figuring who your product’s audience is and how to reach them. 

He says a good strategy to reach out to your possible future customers would be to make a website and project what your idea is and how they could benefit from it. Then you could ask them to provide you with their email address so that you could reach them once you are done or ready to release your product. You could use this website and advertise it on social media or other websites to test and see if you get an audience and how large that audience is.

Erick motivated me to pursue my dream of possibly writing a book and to keep things simple, to look for wats in which I can do something with things and tools I know. 

Thoughts on the documentary

In this documentary Kaleil Tuzman and Tom Herman, old high school buddies, unite efforts to make a startup. Their idea was to help people pay their government-issued tickets online. They named their company GovWorks. In the first scenes we can see the tremendous amount of effort they put in to secure a good amount of funding.

From this first part of the film we see how in many cases to start a startup one must sacrifice many things. We see Kaleil leaves his full time job, the ups and downs of his romantic relationships due to the amount of time spent on the startup, and the loss of relationships because business got in the way. But we must also recognize that he made that decision as many entrepreneurs would. He made the decision to embark on this life journey with all the good and the bad times.

On the second part we start to see how the startup begins to crumble down. First with the buy-out of a third co-founder for the amount of 800K. Then we see how Tom seems to object to many of Kaleil’s decisions. And finally when Kaleil decides to opt out and the company runs out of funding.

On this part we observe how problematic it can be to mix friendships with business. When we hear that Tom would rather lose the company than Kaleil’s friendship we can see that Tom was not committed to the idea of the business. Tom should have known that the business came first. If he had not wanted to lose his friendship with Kaleil he should have not gotten into business with him.

I think this documentary helps to show a lot of the things that could go wrong, however it also shows that it can be done and that if you want to get into it you must be willing to take a good risk but above all always stay positive. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

2016 MLK Jr. Unity Breakfast: The Spirit of Justice in a New Generation

Image of ad for the event at UW Tacoma
On Monday January 18, I attended the MLK Jr. Unity Breakfast at UW Tacoma. 

The event started out with an awesome breakfast: 

Followed by the program: 

And a lot of opportunities to network and commemorate M.L.K. Jr.

The guest speaker finalized the event saying that we are not living in a post racial society. That Racism is still very present in our daily lives and that we can not let history repeat itself. He told us that when we look back at history we see how before the movement for civil rights emerged a similar pattern to what is going on in society today was going on at that time. Events such as the police violence against blacks an minorities, at times close and prior to election years, mass incarcerations and other sad moments in our history were taking place. Now when we look at today we see that some ripples are reemerging and we can not just let this happen again. As this day ends I take the time to reflect on his importance to ensure that not one group of individuals is treated as second class citizens and that everyone is afforded a chance to compete and prepare so that they can reach true success, happiness, and freedom in this country. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Guest Speaker: Derek Young

On Thursday, January14 we had Derek Young, our guest speaker, come and talk to our class about his time as an experienced entrepreneur. He told us that he started out his career on the path to politics and biology. But soon got more into the field of IT. He worked in a corporate office for 10 years and then moved up the ladder throughout that time. He said one thing that happened during and after that time was he changed friendships. He surrounded himself with people that thought like him and who would look to move up the ladder in the corporate world or start their own businesses.

One quality he has is the ability to take risks. He said “he is that type of guy who would jump off a cliff and then check to see if he had a parachute.” He does consider it important to look for certain risks before getting into any type of businesses. He says sometimes he spends time with his friends going over what could go wrong about a business before getting going with it. He says he only pursues businesses that he feels will have some kind of future, and an easy way to get them off the ground. He seems to know when to walk off something that he just doesn’t feel its working.

When asked about what strategy he uses to name a business, he responded by saying he likes to use big white boards and the mind mapping strategy. This strategy consist of drawing a bubble at the center of the board and then writing a word in the middle, then connecting more words to that bubble. Once there are many word on the board people are able to connect certain words that will lead to a good catchy name.

When asked about how his political views have changed after all his experience, he said that they have not changed very drastically.  He considers himself a left-wing centrist. He said when he grew up in a very conservative environment which lead him to shape his current views of today in a little bit of an opposite direction, but he said that he is all pro for giving help back to the community. However as an entrepreneur when he is faced with ways to minimize costs he looks for ways to reduce the burden on him.  

Sunday, January 10, 2016

My Three Business Ideas for Class TINST 475

As part of my first class assignment I was asked to come up with three business ideas I am interested in. One of these ideas can become the one that I chose to pursue and study more in depth throughout this quarter. 

My ideas are:
An app that lets people post questions about how to use some type of technology and wait for someone to reply back. I see this as a need as many people continue to find it hard to figure out how to do more advanced things with their electronic devices. The questions and answers could be saved and later be searched by others. People would get some kind of incentive for replying to questions and money would flow through in some undetermined form.  

An issue I have faced that I think could also be a good business idea would be to make a better platform for students at universities. The platform I am talking about focuses more on the side of student involvement at their universities. I would have to look further into this idea.

For my last idea I am just going to play around with it. I came up with the idea that it would be interesting to have an app that would let you know of the ice trucks near you. This way you would know when they are coming and the drivers would know if anyone is driving another truck around. I don’t know too many of the details for this app, but it seems interesting and creative.